Break out your knitting needles and get started on this gorgeous {!!} hat from Etsy's how-to Tuesdays. It's a pretty simple pattern for beginner & intermediate knitters because you're just knitting a rectangle. C'mon, you're practically knitting a scarf!
Download the pattern and instructions here. {I know a little niece-on-the-way who will be sporting one of these this winter!}
now that i have your attention, is having a sale. some pretties and some pretty weirds. but a lot of fun to sift thru. i've already made my purchase. do you want to use my v.i.p. coupon?
type 4THX9 in the coupon box and get 15% off your purchase.
so... did everyone have a good Labor Day weekend? Mine was spent shopping for fabric {what else?!} and getting sunburned with my boys. And having a great time.
But now it's back to work folks. So rev up your sewing machine and try out these free patterns. I want everyone to be really creative! Just because a pattern comes with the ugliest picture ever, (see below!) does not mean it can't create something fab!
{Today's the day!} Allow me to usher you into my new store here. I'll be posting new items all day long so check back if you don't see what you wanted. And now until labor day (Sep 7), enjoy 10% off you purchase! my gift to you.