Thursday, December 10, 2009

A bad example

I'm very aware that I need pictures of human beings wearing my hats in the store. Although I have no problem seeing how a hat would look on a child when it's being modeled by a crystal candle stand... (That's right. It's a pillar candle stand and I got it at Ross for $6. Did I just ruin some of the magic? Like finding out Sleeping Beauty's castle at Disneyland doesn't actually have any rooms in it. Besides the gift shop.) But it's so hard to get your hands on a calm kid, arrange a photo shoot, etc. whine, whine, complain.

In the meantime, I'll post these pictures of my boy wearing a girls hat. And I'll be sure to get my slide show up and running of all the little darlings who have been so good to share pictures with me. I'm not going to lie - there are some pretty cute kids in there.

By the way, taking a picture of this kid is like trying to take a picture of a streak of lightning. And I'm no professional! I'll try and get some amateur pics of my new fleece hats too. And then some day... real pictures. pretty pictures. If I can dream....


  1. ...if you could dream...and Candis could be a better friend!

  2. LOL I love the last picture "Why you doing this to me mom?"


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