Thursday, December 31, 2009

coming out of hiding

Ok. I think I'm recovering from the after Christmas blues. I was composing a running poem in my head yesterday as I ran my errands about the very emotion. I do that. monologue in my head. is it still a monologue if it's never spoken aloud? Anyway - I even considered posting it on my personal blog, but it was a little gray as far as poetry goes, and someone might think I'm serious.

But the sun came out today, and I decided to check my email for the first time in a long time. My good friend Candis, who is a talented photographer among other things, sent these beautiful pics of her boys wearing the Tom scarf.

I guess I should have asked permission before posting these. Oh well. It's ok right Candis? I mean, these kids do often play my muse. And Tom of the tom scarf is their baby brother.
Thanks for the boost guys.
And I'll have a nice wintertime project coming soon. Something to do inside while the weather outside is frightful.


  1. Haha! You made MY day! Of course I sent these so you could post :) can't wait for more inspiring posts, and I will have to have a private reading of your poem. Haha!

  2. Speaking of poems, I thought one up in my head yesterday about my experience with my IUD. Weird huh? I didn't do it on purpose, it just popped in my head. You'll have to ask me about it. Or maybe I'll post on my blog, as it is not in the least bit serious.


speak now or forever hold your piece