Well after a little hiatus with a sickly computer... I'm back.
And I'm hoping you have room in your heart {and schedule}
for my pretty valentine project.
Don't be fooled by their super cute exterior, these are simple to make!
You will need:
assorted colors of felt scraps
assorted buttons
basic sewing supplies
lolly pops and candy sticks
and this template
did I say slash marks are for "view one"? I meant view 2.
Enlarge or reduce this image as needed so the heart template measures
approx. 4" wide and 4.25" long. Cut out templates.
Heart on a Stick Valentine
Fold your felt in half so you have two layers.
With a water or air soluble fabric pen, trace one heart per valentine.
If you're lolly pop is small, go ahead and cut out your hearts, two at a time.
Mine is a little on the larger size. {yes, we are still talking about the lolly pop. not my rear.} Instead of cutting out the heart on the line and stitching on the interior edge,
I'm going to use the pen line as my stitching line, which will make my heart a little roomier.
Cut around the heart loosely leaving a wide border, if necessary.
Using your pen, trace on your message. I did "xoxo" but "love" would be cute!
Using a zigzag or satin stitch, stitch over your "X"s and stitch buttons over your "O"s.
I used a tear-away stabilizer for the back to keep the felt from puckering.
If you don't have any, you can use wrapping tissue. Stitch through only one heart.
Pin the top layer of felt onto the bottom with the right sides facing out.
Stitch around the heart using a narrow seam allowance.
Be sure to leave a gap in the stitching at the heart's bottom point.
Trim around the heart.
Using that trusty old fabric pen and a ruler, mark a line on across the back of the heart.
Pinch the front and back heart and pull to separate.
Make a small snip and carefully slide your scissors into the opening.
Cut along the pen line up to but not through the stitching line.
Cut through only the back layer.
Slip the lolly pop into the slit with the stick going through the opening in the stitching.
Pull the top flap over the lolly pop to conceal it and you're done!
Cupid Struck Valentine
Trace and cut out two hearts per valentine.
Pen the slash marks onto the top heart.
Pin the two hearts together and stitch using a narrow seam allowance.
Using your presser foot as a guide, stitch around the inside edge of the
first stitching line. {This gives it just a little more visual interest.
You don't have to do it if you don't want to.} Using the same method
as the lolly pop valentine, cut through the slash marks.
Trace the arrow head and tail onto felt but don't cut out.
Note the DO NOT SEW lines marked on the template with double slashes.
Cut around the design but do not cut on the lines.
Pin to a second layer. Stitch on the drawn lines.
For those not familiar with how to 'pivot and turn' it's really easy.
Stitch to the end of your marked line and stop.
Turn your hand wheel {on the side of the machine}
towards you until your needle is in the down position.
Raise your presser foot and rotate your fabric with the needle still down.
Rotate until the center mark on your presser foot {most feet have one}
is lined up with the connected next line to stitch.
Lower your presser foot and stitch on.
Trim around the stitching. Your pieces should look like this.
Feed a candy stick through the slashes in your heart front. Slip the tail feathers onto the bottom of the stick and the arrow head to the top. You can keep the head from falling off by placing a small glue dot onto the candy and then pressing the felt into it.
See? Easy Peasy. And too stinking cute. The pen marks should dissolve on their
own in day or so. So let me know if anyone needs my address.
so you can send me one. I just love candy!